Art4: Art Appreciation


Research Paper

(Analytical & Critical Essay)



Length:          5 pages as text, double spaced, 12 point font of Times, plus at least 3 visual supplements (e.g. copies from published pictures or Internet)




I.               Introduction


II.        Background

A.   Development: Time line of basic artistic influences and cultural context.

B.    Motivation: The artist’s intentions and purposes.


III.           Body: Using three art works – early, middle, and late examples – of the artist’s work, describe and analyze his/her use of the following in the three works;


A.   Style

B.    Visual structures and organization

C.   Subject matter

D.   Materials and processes


IV.          Conclusion: What innovations or new ideas did the artist bring to the art world? What other artists have been influenced by his/her work?


V.            Bibliography


You must reference the following:


*A World of Art (textbook)

*At least one art article found in an art journal or a general newspaper

*At least two books found in the Slide Library, University Library, or other Libraries