Paper Face



Art 207 -05, Group 2

Edith Foor, Kristen McDougal, Megan Jones, Marijeanne York





1.      Students will learn the special differences between each personfs face, and different facial features

2.      Students will learn how to draw a simple sketch of their face onto a paper plate.

3.      Students will learn about different 3D textures and how to apply them as decoration


Student Materials:


paper plates, glue in the bottle, a variety of beans and noodles(uncooked), feathers, yarn, crayons, tissue paper, scissors


Teachers Materials:


examples, trays for the 3D materials, a book on faces/ expressions




emotions, facial features




1.      Introduction about faces and emotions.  Explain the project and show examples

2.      Pass out plates draw a face on the plate.

3.      Go to counter and pick out different decorations for your face, put them on your plate.

4.      Glue on decorations

5.      Closure-Review what children have learned


Comments and Suggestions:

-   Do this project in centers for better supervision

-   Remind children about not over-using glue: gDot, dot, not a lot!h